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Words From Our Au Pair Community Counselors

“I believe in what the EurAupair program has to offer, both for families and for the au pairs. I used to be an au pair and even though, I know the challenges of living with a new family for a year far away from my own family, and adopting the language and the culture, my au pair year was still one of the best years of my life filled with excitement. So, knowing what this really means to be an au pair, I would like to help the EurAuPair organization by guiding the au pairs and the families to make their time together a successful and joyful year.” Loretta, EurAupair Community Counselor in Colorado

“This is an amazing program to be apart of. At the age of 42, I have never lived so many life times in less than one year. I really love EurAupair. All of these families have saved me, my children and they have no idea. We have opened our home to other people's children, met beautiful families and connected with people from a different time in my life. Vivi, I will never be able to thank you enough for giving me this opportunity. You have taught me so many things about people, families and life.” Tracy, EurAupair Community Counselor in Wisconsin

Tracy with her children and French au pair Estelle.

“Some of the strengths of the program are that host families can choose from/access the whole list of au pairs and Community Counselors have small groups of au pairs to look after.” Kerstin, EurAupair Community Counselor in Washington

“I really love the size of EurAupair and the ability to get to know the au pairs and host families really well because of that intimate size.  And I love that whenever I call the regional office, whether as a host mom or as a Community Counselor, my name is known and the regional director answers her own phone and has time to chat with me.  I feel a real part of the community.” Kelley, EurAupair Community Counselor in Virginia

“The support that the au pairs and host families have through their Community Counselors and Area Coordinators is one of the main strengths of EurAupair. I also feel the program is quite organized with all the steps we need to take once an au pair arrives (and before).  It also sounds like the training in New York is more thorough. They are coming to us (Community Counselors) a lot more informed of their responsibilities.  Overall, I love this program! If I had small children and needed child care I would definitely go through EurAuPair. I love the support we have for our host families and au pairs.” Debra, EurAupair Community Counselor in Minnesota

“Our program strictly adheres to the Department Of State rules which I think is commendable.  I have been lucky enough to work with some of the people in the office in California.  The staff is really nice to work with.” Heidi, EurAupair Community Counselor in New York

EurAupair chicago-land au pairs, community counselors and area coordinator
EurAupair Chicago-land au pairs, community counselors and area coordinator

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