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El Salvador
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Child Care Experience
From September 2023 to April 2024, I took care of Alejandra (2). I woke up child, prepared food, gave baths, washed the child's clothes, cleaned child's room and play area, took child to the park and other activities, played games. From October 2022 to April 2023, I took care of Alexa (1). I cleaned child's room, prepared food, gave baths, put child down for naps, played, kept child's clothes clean and tidy and prepared snacks. From February 2015 to September 2016, I took care of Franklin (6 months). I prepared bottles, prepared food, kept child's room, toys and clothes clean, gave baths, played, and helped child around the house with small activities.
Sports, Interests and Hobbies
Reading, music, traveling, the beach, cafes, restaurants, painting, board games, movies, sports, cycling, softball
I would like to participate in this great exchange mainly because I feel qualified to assume the responsibility of taking care of the little ones of a future host family. I would love to share that cultural experience, in which I learn from them, their customs, traditions, gastronomy and for them to know a little about mine, also because I consider it to be a great opportunity for my personal growth, to immerse myself in the language and improve my skills. I am a person who adapts easily to any environment, meeting and sharing spaces with new people is not a problem for me, since I consider that there is always something good and positive to learn from others, this being part of my strengths, among others such as my creativity, communication since I consider it completely necessary and important, my empathy, since I like to connect and understand people's points or feelings.