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Most people in Taiwan a charming island state in East Asia have traditional values based on Confucian ethics. These values remain strong, including piety toward parents, ancestor worship, a strong emphasis on education and work. You can expect your Taiwanese au pair to be very respectful and to want to be a part of your family. Reserved at first, your au pair will love to bond with your children and will probably have no issues picking up on [Read more...]


Most people in Taiwan — a charming island state in East Asia — have traditional values based on Confucian ethics. These values remain strong, including piety toward parents, ancestor worship, a strong emphasis on education and work. You can expect your Taiwanese au pair to be very respectful and to want to be a part of your family. Reserved at first, your au pair will love to bond with your children and will probably have no issues picking up on your family’s routine.

EurAupair has been pairing host families and au pairs for over 30 years, and we're confident that you'll love your experience with one of our Taiwanese au pairs. Learning about the rich and unique Taiwanese culture from a live-in au pair is a highly rewarding and flexible option for your children's care.

General Facts About Taiwan

Hosting an au pair gives you and your children the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn more about her unique culture and customs. When you host an au pair from Taiwan, you'll learn fascinating facts about the country, including that:

  • Over 23 million people live in Taiwan, making it the 17th most densely populated area in the world.
  • Almost three million people live in the bustling capital city of Taipei.
  • Mandarin is the country's official language, but other languages include English, Japanese and Vietnamese.
  • The Taiwanese place a high emphasis on commitment and harmony.

Family Life and Children in Taiwan

Most couples in Taiwan will have one to two children. Grandparents may be living together with their children and grandchildren. Your Taiwanese au pair will most likely have experience caring for nephews or nieces, or by doing internships or trainings at school. Education is very important so you can expect your Taiwanese au pair to be good at helping with homework, teaching to count, etc.

The Taiwanese highly value honor and respect toward their elders, and multigenerational homes are common throughout the country. Most Taiwanese au pairs will treat you and any other adult relatives living in your home with the utmost care and respect. They might offer you their seat or wait for you before they begin eating.


Public education is mandatory in Taiwan from nursery school to junior high. Students can further their education through high school and university after taking a series of national exams.The majority of Taiwanese high school graduates will further their studies, although they may continue to live at home until they graduate. Even so, they will typically participate in household chores from an early age and be quite independent.

Those who graduate with a Taiwanese education achieve some of the highest scores in the world, particularly excelling in math and science. The literacy rate is also extraordinarily high, at over 98 percent. Memorization is valued throughout schools in Taiwan, so you may find that your au pair is particularly good at memorizing your instructions.

English Language Skills and Communication

English is a compulsory subject taught in schools from Grade 3 and up. There has also been a huge growth of English immersion schools in the past decade, with teachers from English-speaking countries. Although speaking may be a little difficult at first, you can expect your Taiwanese au pair to be very eager to speak and improve!

The Taiwanese often prefer an indirect style of communication. Rather than asking questions that require a direct yes or no, ask open-ended questions to your au pair to allow them to contemplate answers. She may also often communicate non-verbally with gestures such as waving the palm back and forth to indicate a negative response.

Driving Skills

A driver’s license can be obtained at 18 years old, after taking a written and practical exam. Many people will own a scooter driver’s license which is a popular means of transportation. It is always recommended that you discuss your driving needs with your au pair during the interviewing process.


The three major religions in the country are Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. Religious beliefs are diverse and incorporate aspects of traditional Chinese culture. Many behaviors and beliefs, such as deep respect for elders, stem from these religious concepts.


Pork, chicken and seafood are popular meat options, but your Taiwanese au pair may eat a primarily vegetarian diet due to the country's Buddhist influence. Rice and soy are both staples of a Taiwanese diet, and many drink tea or coffee throughout the day.

Find a Taiwanese Au Pair Who Is Right for Your Family

When you're ready to host an au pair in your home, you want to make sure it will be a great fit. That's why we do everything we can to help you find the perfect fit for your family.

Browse through our au pairs' profiles from all over the world. You can read about their past childcare experience and what their interests are. If you believe someone would be a good fit, you can chat with them to see if they feel the same.

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