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EurAupair Announces Opportunities for Host Families After Their Children Have Aged Out of Au Pair Agencies Programs

EurAupair has announced additional opportunities for host families whose children have aged out of the au pair program.

USA - August, 2016 - EurAupair, one of the largest, most trusted au pair agencies in the country, has announced opportunities for host families to continue enjoying the cultural exchange experience once their children have aged out of the EurAupair program. These opportunities include working with EurAupair's sister companies to host high school exchange students.

While EurAupair's host families have enjoyed the child care they received through EurAupair's cultural exchange program, many think that the cultural exposure their children and family received was the biggest benefit. ASSE International and World Heritage, two of EurAupair’s sister companies, offer the opportunity for past host families to continue enjoying cultural exchange by hosting a high school exchange student.

Both ASSE International and World Heritage are not-for-profit cultural exchange programs that connect host families and students from around the world in an effort to improve intercultural relationships among young people. They provide a great opportunity for past EurAupair host families to continue enjoying the cultural experience once their children have aged out of au pair agencies' programs.

Between ASSE International and World Heritage, there are four cultural exchange programs connecting families from countries all across the globe, including:

  • Asia
  • The Pacific's
  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • South Africa
  • South America

EurAupair's host families who would like to learn more about the cultural exchange opportunities available by hosting a high school exchange student are encouraged to contact ASSE International directly at (800) 333-3802.

About EurAupair

For over 25 years, EurAupair, a United States government designated exchange visitor program sponsor, has provided opportunities for young people from across the globe to expand their cultural awareness, while spending a year in the USA as part of an American family. EurAupair takes great pride in being one of the oldest, most trusted au pair agencies in the country.

For more information, please visit: or call (800) 333-3804.

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