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Tricks and Treats to Enjoying Halloween With Your Host Siblings

Halloween is one of the most anticipated holidays by children, second only to Christmas. Who could blame them when free candy and dressing up in spooky costumes are included? Halloween is a great time for Au Pairs to engage their host siblings. EurAupair has prepared a few things you can do to make this Holiday “spooktacular.”

Creating or Hunting Down the Perfect Costume

Halloween just is not Halloween without the perfect costume. Dressing up in scary costumes has been around since the ancient Celtics took up the practice to scare off evil spirits during their Samhain celebration, which falls at the same time of year. Today, Halloween costumes range from the incredibly creepy to adorable. Spend a day, or two, hunting around for that perfect costume this year, or take a chance at creating a one-of-a-kind costume. 

Get in the Spirit with Decorations

Decorating have long been a tradition among many cultures, and Halloween is the second largest holiday in America in regards to decorating. Entire stores open for business just to accommodate America's obsession with spooky decor for Halloween. Au pairs don't have to take their host siblings to special stores to find creepy critters. Instead, homemade options, such as scarecrows from old clothes and fallen leaves and Jack-O-Lanterns, often invoke creepier vibes than store bought ones. 

Halloween Treats

Candy and Halloween go hand in hand, but don't limit yourself to just candy. Halloween is a great time to get creative in the kitchen. Whip up a tasty Witches Brew, broil severed fingers, and enjoy spider chip cookies. 

Of course, in some cultures, a special meal is prepared for Halloween or the Day of the Dead, and may include traditions unknown to you or your host family. Sharing how you traditionally celebrate this time of year is a great way to engage your host siblings.

Out and About

Au Pairs should consider taking their host siblings to local Halloween attractions, which may include:

  • Corn Mazes
  • Hay Rides
  • Apple or Pumpkin picking
  • Haunted Houses (May not be appropriate for younger children.)

Halloween is a kid's Holiday, one where teens and adults get in on the fun as well, and is a great way to develop stronger bonds. To learn more, please contact EurAupair today!

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